David Thielen, CEO of Windward studios, offers advice to entrepreneurs about how they can find the right automation processes, both during the current crisis and beyond.
CEO of Windward Dave Thielen explains just how quickly we can get you automated with our document automation solution—faster than anyone else.
You can be up and running with Windward's document automation solutions in 5 minutes. You can have your first template created in 30 minutes. CEO Dave Thielen explains more.
Is to be told you need to wait a month while documentation is prepared for the FDA. Dave Thielen, the CEO and founder of Windward Studios, explains more.
Dave Thielen, the CEO and founder of Windward Studios, breaks down what the company's focus is for the rest of 2020.
A message from the CEO and founder of Windward Studios, Dave Thielen regarding document automation solution and working from home surrounding the COVID-19 pandemic.
The CEO of Windward Studios explains how the development team decides what to implement in our document automation software.
Customers survey...Question 1: Rank our offerings by most important. Question 2: Would you refer us to a co-worker? Question 3: What new thing should we do?
Dave: “We are going to turn off access to your email while you are on vacation” Me: “What?!??!! How much access? What about emergency issues?”
At Windward, we’re at war. We’ve got a phenomenal product: the one reporting and docgen product that users love. But it requires a full-on wartime approach.
Core values are the values we have and we want to ensure they remain a part of the company. And we have subsequently worked to retain these values.
My vision is to create a company that can punch well above its weight. And all that comes down to the people and systems we put in place at work.