Output Your Documents & Reports Directly to a Printer
Document output from your computer to the printer gets better and efficient with the help of Windward. Whether it is a label printer or laser printer format you can pass your documents to a local or network printer.
You can even indicate the specific printing properties right on the print dialog box. You can specify the number of copies you need and even specify the printing quality, sides, and color of the final document output.
Advantages of Creating Documents Straight from Computer to Printer
With the option to generate documents right from your computer directly to the printer makes it easy and simple to distribute and store all the important reports.
Windward’s document generation platform is printer-friendly and makes the whole process interactive and intuitive.
With an extensive range of customized printing options, you can generate superior quality documents. The best part is you can print documents in a wide range of formats that include PDF, HTML, Excel, and more. Moreover, with Windward’s automatic generation capability, you can print hundreds of documents in just a few minutes!
Moreover, Windward ensures the pagination and layouts are preserved while exporting your documents directly to the printer. In fact, the document size directly influences the processing time, so Windward can automatically optimize the documents according to your specifications that result in quicker printing.
If you've just discovered us, we're excited. Try Windward with our 30-day free trial and start creating documents in quick time with our low/no code solutions.