The keyboard shortcuts guide you’ve been looking for to make your job easy in Word, Excel, and PowerPoint. Shift+F3 and more fun shortcuts you can start using today.
Microsoft Word templates creation and customization doesn’t need to be a confusing process, here’s a quick guide to get you started right now.
Page size and orientation in Word doesn’t have to be complicated. Here’s the step-by-step process to changing page size, orientation, margins, and more like a pro.
Embedding objects into your template is another way Windward helps you visualize important data. Learn more from our new blog.
To help guide you through the process of making templates in Microsoft PowerPoint, here are some tips.
A Word-based template serves as a starting point for standard document generation. Document creation is simply adding and removing unique data to generate docs much more quickly than if you started from scratch.
With Windward's Excel-based template editor, you don't need to start from scratch when designing separate spreadsheets for all of your customers.
Transform your MS Word knowledge and experience into reporting prowess! You are already an expert at MS Word as it serves as a wonderful document platform.
The time and effort into creating a PowerPoint presentation, you would want it to be able to stand out, attract attention and also be as accurate as possible.
When you input your data into report templates designed and generated in Microsoft Excel — here are the top 10 reasons why Excel is an ideal reporting tool.
Microsoft Azure is accelerating past every other cloud infrastructure provider. Amazon, Apple, Google, Rackspace, and all the others are being left in the dust.
As Microsoft has the back of many developers, those developers will continue to select Microsoft solutions whenever possible. And giant advantage for Microsoft.